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Canadian holocaust memorial fails to mention Jews


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, center, touring the newly inaugurated National Holocaust Monument in Ottawa last week. Credit Canadian Prime Minister's Office

The architecture of Canada’s new National Holocaust Monument in Ottawa is both symbolic and haunting, with six concrete triangles depicting the stars that Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany, and that marked millions of them for extermination during World War II.

But while the structure’s design embodies Jewish suffering during the Holocaust, a plaque placed outside it failed to mention Jews or anti-Semitism, an omission that has drawn furious criticism.

The plaque outside the memorial — the country’s first national Holocaust monument, 10 years in the making and inaugurated by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week — paid tribute to the “millions of men, women and children murdered during the Holocaust” and the “survivors who persevered and were able to make their way to Canada after one of the darkest chapters in history.”

The omission of any mention of Jews in the inscription was immediately seized upon by opposition politicians, rights advocates and the Israeli news media. Some groups turned to social media to express criticism. The plaque was removed.

The Times of Israel headline blared, “Canada Holocaust memorial omits any mention of Jews, anti-Semitism.”

David Sweet, a lawmaker from the opposition Conservative Party, asked Canada’s Parliament, “How could the prime minister permit such a glaring omission of reference to anti-Semitism and the fact that the millions of men, women and children who were murdered were overwhelmingly Jewish?” He added: “If we are going to stamp out hatred of Jews, it is important to get history right.”

Nick Ashdown, a Canadian journalist, wrote on Twitter that not mentioning Jews on the plaque was a “profoundly stupid omission,” even as he noted that “the 5 million non-Jews killed in Holocaust — Slavs, Roma, gay people, priests, disabled, communists & anarchists, etc. — are often forgotten.”

Responding to the criticism, Canada’s heritage minister, Mélanie Joly, ordered that the plaque be removed and stressed that the monument commemorated “the six million Jews, as well as the five million other victims, that were murdered during the Holocaust.”

A new plaque is expected to be unveiled.

Canadian news reports suggested that the omission had been unintentional. The outcry recalled the controversy earlier this year in the United States when the White House failed to specifically mention Jews or anti-Semitism in a statement to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day. That statement spoke of the “victims, survivors, heroes of the Holocaust.”

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